

View synonyms for fossil fuels

fossil fuels

  1. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

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All fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide when burned. ( See greenhouse effect .)
Burning fossil fuels is a main cause of air pollution .
All of these fuels were formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.
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Example Sentences

And given the current glut in fossil fuels, it might even be a better economic bet to wait a few years.

They believe that companies trafficking in fossil fuels will eventually face financial problems.

It takes energy to make energy, and solar or wind power can make recovering fossil fuels less harmful to the environment.

But when it comes to energy, divestment from coal or fossil fuels is much more symbolic—and not very meaningful.

Divestment may an appealing short-term action for people concerned with the effects of coal and fossil fuels on the environment.

Next to the fossil fuels, the most important products of the rocks in North America are the iron ores.



